Part of fueling innovation is making a commitment to usher in the next generation of talented innovators. We asked some of our very skilled 2021 Summer STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) interns about their biggest takeaways from their time working at Antra, and the experience of developing new skills and offering fresh perspectives.

“I have learned and witnessed great leadership from the Quality team. My favorite memory from my internship was when my supervisor complimented my intelligence and efficiency. That may seem like a small compliment, but it meant so much to me because it is easy to feel unintelligent and troublesome when you are new and need help from others to complete your tasks. It reminded me that I worked hard to obtain this internship and that my diligence and attention to detail were recognized.
Kylie Jozwik, Augusta College

“The biggest takeaway I have learned from this internship is the importance of diversity and collaboration. As a Research and Development intern, I got the opportunity to work with people across the world. In seeing the astounding efforts and work that everyone brought to the table, I realized how a diverse team can do more impactful work than a like-minded group. I loved the environment where I was able to work based on my preferences and felt that it was very effective.
Nathan Lu, Northwestern University
“I think my favorite memory was when I was developing one of the test fixtures we would need for feasibility testing of our device prototype. Although I had double-checked my measurements, I was worried that once the model was 3D printed, small variations in printing might not allow it to be secured correctly. As soon as the applicator clicked and fit snugly in the fixture, I felt so proud for not only learning a new skill, but also creating something that would be useful for all future testing.
Jacob Kurian, Northwestern University
One of the biggest takeaways that I have learned from my internship is to fully plan things out before diving right in. I found it very beneficial to try to think of any minor details of a project before starting. I have really enjoyed my time with Antra. Everyone I have interacted with is more than willing to help me or just have a conversation. I feel supported by the people I work with, and the work sounds very rewarding.
Madasen Kasprisin, University of South Carolina
“My primary responsibility was to work on an independent project for sustaining the products my team is responsible for. This internship was my first introduction into how industry runs and the differences between being an engineer in academia and an engineer for a company. The key takeaway I had is that industry is very diverse in its opportunities and there are career routes for most interests, even if they are not what you expected going out of college.
Alexandra Cindric, Northwestern University
I spent 90% of my time with my engineering team, but I also had the chance to talk to a few outside mentors about the business and company in general, which was a good supplement. From my experience, people are passionate about their work and genuinely seem like they’re happy, which goes a long way in fostering a productive and enjoyable work environment. This is where I feel like I can help improve lives.
Jacob Schreier, University of Notre Dame